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Apps for civic engagement in the 21st century

There are many ways to stay informed about issues that are important to us. These days most of us are walking around with a powerful computer right in our pocket. We can go online and do a search on any topic, we can instantly communicate with friends and associates to find out how they feel about what's happening in the world, and we can use a variety of apps to connect us with specific primary political and governmental resources. Below you will find a few examples of apps you may want to download to your phone, tablet, or computer.


 Click here to go to the Causes website

Countable is a website and an app that lets you track your Members of Congress and how they vote on different bills. It summarizes bills, gives news updates, and provides you with easy contact to your Members of Congress.


Click here to go to the 5 Calls website

5 Calls connects you with current information about issues you select, gives you a sample script, and provides the office phone numbers for your Members of Congress.


Click here to go to the C-Span Radio App website

You can use this app to listen to congressional hearings and speeches wherever you are, whatever you are doing.


Some Useful Websites

Open States  is a website, not an app, but it provides information on your state's current legislative business.


Vote for and Judge Voter are two websites that help you learn about judges running for election in your state. Vote for Judges is for Illinois and Judge Voter Guide is for California. You can search for a similar site in your state.

Click here to go to  which is the official website for U.S. federal legislative information presented by the Library of Congress. It is a very full website with current information and a wealth of resources and links.


Social media:

(Note - social media sites collect data on their users, so be careful how you manage your privacy settings.)


Facebook is a popular way to share ideas, information , and opinions online. If you don't already have an account, you can sign up for one here. 


Twitter is another popular social media platform. You can follow people you respect, tweet short messages, and join in on group conversations.




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